DA Objection and Public Submission Services
As a specialized planning firm, SydNIMBY provides expert services in objecting to development applications that may negatively impact local communities and residents. Our services focus on analysing proposals and crafting compelling objection letters that highlight community concerns and potential non-compliance with planning legislation.
All services include an analysis/review of key application documentation such as architectural plans and Statement of Environmental Effects. Specific concerns will be reflected in objection letters/reports wherever possible.
Please note: These services are not available within the City of Parramatta Local Government Area.
Objection Letters
An objection letter (no more than 10 pages) for small scale projects and projects with a limited scope for potential adverse impacts. Recommended for development applications in low to medium density residential areas where the proposed works are focused on alterations and additions or knock-down rebuilds. Letters are tailored to address the concerns you have with the proposal (for example, additional overshadowing, loss of privacy and amenity impacts etc.) and also address potential areas of non-compliance with planning legislation. Includes submission to Council on your behalf and one (1) update at a later date on the status of the application.
Objection Reports
A detailed report (between 11 and 30 pages) for larger developments such as medium-density housing, residential flat buildings, commercial buildings and mixed-use development. Reports are tailored to address the areas of concern you have with the development as well as addressing key areas of non-compliance (potential or actual) with planning legislation and Land and Environment Court Planning Principles. Includes submission to Council on your behalf and two (2) updates at a later date on the status of the application.
Oral Submissions
Preparation and presentation of an oral submission to the local planning panel (or other panel) for applications that meet the criteria to be determined by a panel. Oral submissions will highlight key matters of contention and a draft will be presented to you prior to presentation. Submissions are limited to three minutes in total due to local planning panel rules. Note: this service is subject to town planner availability.
Section 34 Conciliation Conferences
Preparation and presentation of an oral submission at a Section 34 Conciliation Conference for applications on appeal to the Land and Environment Court. Oral submissions will highlight key matters of contention and a draft will be presented to you prior to presentation. Submissions are limited to three minutes in total due to LEC regulation. Note: this service is subject to town planner availability.